
Following the Rules of the Apartment

It has recently come to my attention that someone (Kelly) in my apartment has a problem with my dishes "always being in the sink". Apparently, letting pots and pans soak over night, or even for 24 hours, is unacceptable according to the rules? Seems silly to me, since you need to soak the pots and pans in order to fully comply with the "clean your own dishes" rule. Why would I try to fight with caked on flour or baked on sauce, when I would only have to resort to using a brillo pad an ruining the pan. That's foolish. Instead, and this seems perfectly normal and logical to me, I let the pan soak with soap and water to loosen stuck on mess. This way when I do wash it some 12 to 24 hours later, the mess easily comes loose and I don't need to scratch up my non-stick pans. I've never smelled anything from the vicinity of the sink, so it's not as though my dirty pots and pans smell, especially since they are coated with SOAP. It was mentioned that I also left a pan in the sink over the weekend, (but it was not specified when I commited this heinous act). I do recall leaving one pan in the sink for an extended period of time, and that was the last time I had made banana bread, which of course requires that the pan be coated in Pam and flour to keep the bread from sticking to the non-stick pan (silly banana bread). So of course to avoid using abrasives on my non-stick loaf pan, I let the damn thing soak. What a tragedy. I made bread for people (and clearly they liked it, because I got one piece out of the whole damn loaf) and I get yelled at because I want to properly care for my cookware. Foolish.

Besides, Kelly isn't following the rules either. If she wants to complain about something as stupid as dishes, then she should remember that she told us she would let us know when she was having someone over, including her boyfriend. She also said that he wouldn't be up all the time because this is our space too. He's there all the time, and I never know he'll be there until I see him sitting on the couch. What curtesy have I been afforded. I get out of the shower and he's there. I'm sorry, but my towel does not completely cover me, and Kelly, your boyfriend just generally makes me uncomfortable. Here's the difference between you and I though: I DON'T BITCH ABOUT WHAT YOU DO TO OTHER PEOPLE IN THE APARTMENT WHEN I KNOW THAT THEY'LL TELL YOU, because that would be stupid wouldn't it? You just assume that because you're the amazing Kelly everyone is on your side, but that's not the way it is.

If you want to be a stickler for the apartment rules, then start abiding by them yourself, stop letting your boyfriend become roommate #7, and get your shit out of my cabinet.